Cake Walk
The Cake Walk is a beloved VGF tradition for all ages to enjoy! Participants can try their luck walking around the Cake Walk board and when the music stops, one lucky person will win a cake, cupcakes, or other tasty treat!
All baked goods for the Cake Walk are provided by JK-2nd students and can be homemade or store bought. Collegiate themed cakes will be available for optional pre-purchase again this year, and those cakes will be delivered directly to school. All other baked goods must be dropped off in the Lower School carpool lines on the morning of Friday, April 11. Information and a cake box for your Cougar to decorate will come home with your student prior to VGF.
DON’T HAVE TIME TO BAKE?! Skip making/bringing your own cake and order a decorated and delicious 10” two-layer cake delivered directly to the school. Pre-order your premade cake here! Pre-orders only through April 3.
Questions? Please contact Kristen Spain or Molly Congdon.